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General Rules of the School

Student are required to maintain the code of conduct strictly when inside and outside the school campus and during the bus journey.

Guideline To Students

  • To inculcate the willingness and likeness for using English language, and also to enhance the students’ English speaking skills, conversation only in English & Hindi has been made mandatory for all students.

  • Students are expected to take utmost care of school’s property as their own property.

  • Misbehavior inside the school campus and during bus journey is a punishable offence.

  • Smoking, drinking and intake of drugs shall lead to the immediate dismissal of the concerned student. Act of grouping or infighting shall not be tolerated.

  • Once inside the campus, the responsibility for taking care of one’s belongings lies with the students.

  • Students should come fully prepared to take up the scheduled examinations. Cheating or copying in any form will lead to the expulsion of the student.

  • Driving motor Bike/Car for coming school is strictly prohibited.

  • Mobiles and any other such electronic or mechanical gadgets/ devices are not allowed in the school. If caught, such articles will be destroyed by the school authorities.

  • The School reserves the right to dismiss any pupil: (i) For breach of discipline. (ii) For unsatisfactory progress in work. (iii) For detention or repeated detention in class. (iv) Whose conduct sets a bad example for others.





Guideline To Parents

  • Your wards should report to school in time, bring all the necessary books according to the time table and be neatly dressed in full uniform.

  • Your wards should have 75 % attendance by the end of school, failing which, they will not be considered for any awards/prizes.

  • In case of any change in your address and contact numbers notify the school office and the class teacher.

  • Your wards should not carry expensive articles to school. Incase they are lost; the school is not responsible for it.

  • The school does not encourage private tuition to students. But in case the parents feel that the ward is in need of extra help they may contact the principal for necessary action.

  • Encourage your child to speak in English. Listening to English news and reading the English newspaper should be a part of his/her routine.

Contact Us


P.L PUBLIC SCHOOL in front of Block Office vill:-Brahampur(Buxar)

PIN 802112

Pre School ,Seconday School ,Activity Center, Play School


 Copyright 2028, All Rights Reserved by P.L Public School.

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