Registered Under Gov. of Bihar: BRA-232143720219113102833
Welcome to P.L PUBLIC e-SCHOOL
We are a school for all Kindergarten to 10 graders. If parents want their children to study in a school that provides the best combination of world-class school education, traditional Indian values, modern-world skills, and character-building, then we are the right school for them.
We are a school created by educators, collating learnings from their years of experience and research, hand-picking the best educational practices from around the world, and restructuring all of those in a format that is best suited for Indian learners. In the process of doing so, our team has interviewed thousands of teachers, learners, and parents, with attention to every intricate detail and feedback. At P.L PUBLIC e-School, we are thus happy to create a school that is designed and curated to provide solutions to all the learning and teaching woes.
P.L PUBLIC e-School is an online school which simply means that learners can access it on their devices and don’t have to physically go and attend classes anywhere. The moment they log in, they are inside the school. P.L PUBLIC e-School is learner-focused, learner-friendly, and absolutely safe for all learners. We ensure that we bring together the best of teaching and learning environments to fit in digital space so that learners and parents can access our school from the devices, at their freedom and preferred time. In this Online School, we strive to provide much more than what a regular and conventional school provides. We are inspired and motivated to keep improving so that all our learners get that extra edge.
Thank you.